About Seventh-day Adventists​

Adventists believe a Trinity of three persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—make up one God.

They made salvation possible when Jesus, the Son, came to earth as a baby in Bethlehem and lived a sinless life in accordance with the Father's will. When Jesus was crucified for the sins of the people of the world and arose from the dead on the third day, victory was won for everyone.

When He returned to heaven following the resurrection, Jesus left the Holy Spirit to serve as our Comforter and Counselor. He promised to return to earth a second time to complete His plan of salvation and take His people to heaven. Adventists are among the believers who look forward to that day.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church seeks to enhance quality of life for people everywhere and to let people know that Jesus is coming again soon

Seventh-day Adventist beliefs are meant to permeate your whole life. Growing out of scriptures that paint a compelling portrait of God, you are invited to explore, experience and know the One who desires to make us whole.

We believe in the SOLA SCRIPTURA (“Bible only”). Check out our 28 fundamental beliefs.

We find it important to articulate our understanding of certain important topics in light of biblical values and teachings.

Our leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church have established guidelines for members and church entities.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church has published a series of documents on various issues relevant to life in modern society.

What does the name Seventh-day Adventist mean?

Our name says a lot about what we believe.

Seventh-day: We are Christians who believe in keeping the seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday) holy as instructed by God and modeled by Jesus Christ. (Exodus 20:8-11 NIV)

Adventists: We eagerly await Jesus Christ’s second advent (coming) to earth, when Jesus will take those who love and believe in Him to heaven. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 NIV)

We are a vibrant christian community! Also a culturally diverse body of disciples from many nations, kindred, tongue, and people (Rev 14:6) but are one family in Christ our Lord.

A Worldwide Religious Community

The Seventh-day Adventist Church

We are a worldwide religious community dedicated to sharing the good news of salvation while living according to Christ’s example of loving service.

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The Bible provides the foundation for our beliefs. Our belief system is meant to directly influence our daily choices and the way we live our lives.

Fundamental Beliefs

Currently, Adventists hold 28 fundamental beliefs that can be organized into six categories

The doctrines of God, man, salvation, the church, the Christian life and last day events.

In each teaching, God is the architect, who in wisdom, grace and infinite love, is restoring a relationship with humanity that will last for eternity.”


Join us in one or all of our events!

Church Events

We are all woven together in the great web of humanity, and whatever we can do to benefit and uplift others will reflect in blessing upon ourselves. PP 534.4

Adventurer Sabbath

Mar 22, 20259:30 am - 12:30 pm

Adventurer Sabbath

First of all, we want to thank God for blessing us with His wonderful children. And please pray for our children to deliver a good service that tells Jesus’ testimony to the world. On that note, our DFW Fil-Am SDA Church family would like to invite you all to come and take a look at our Adventurers leading our Divine Service.