The melody of praise is the atmosphere of heaven; and when heaven comes in touch
with the earth, there is music and song- “thanksgiving and the voice of melody.”
The history of the songs of the Bible is full of suggestions as to the uses and benefits of music and song. Music is often perverted to serve purposes of evil, and it thus becomes one of the most alluring agencies of temptation.
But rightly employed, it is a precious gift of God, designed to uplift the thoughts to high and noble themes, to inspire and elevate the soul. As the children of Israel, journeying through the wilderness, cheered their way by the music of sacred song, so God bid His children today gladden their pilgrim life..
Let there be singing in the home of songs that are sweet and pure, and there will be fewer words of censure, and more of cheerfulness and hope and joy.
Youth’s Instructor, March 29, 1904
Last modified: November 1, 2024