None should exclude themselves from the Communion because some who are unworthy may be present. Every disciple is called upon to participate publicly, and thus bear witness that he accepts Christ as a personal Savior.

But the Communion service was not to be a season of sorrowing. This was not Its purpose… They are not to recall the differences between them and their brethren. The preparatory service has embraced all this…. Now they come to meet with Christ. They are not to stand in the shadow of the cross, but in its saving light.

They are to open the soul to the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness. With hearts cleansed by Christ’s most precious blood, in full consciousness of His presence, although unseen, they are to hear His words, “Peace I leave with you.”

The Communion service points to Christ’s second coming. It was designed to keep this hope vivid in the minds of the disciples…. In their tribulation they found comfort in the hope of their Lord’s return. Unspeakably precious to them was the thought, “As often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord’s death till he come.”

Desire of Ages, 656, 659

Last modified: July 3, 2024