God’s Reproof

Pastor's Corner

The Lord is testing and proving you. He has counseled, admonished, and entreated. All these solemn admonitions will either make the church better or decidedly worse. The oftener the Lord speaks to correct or counsel, and you disregard His voice, the more disposed will you be to reject it again and again, till God says: …

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Trust in the Lord

Pastor's Corner

Trust in the Lord and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Psalm 37:3. We must have less trust in what we ourselves can do, and more trust in what the Lord can do for and through us. You are not engaged in your own work; you …

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Important Announcement: Temporary Website Outage

Regular Announcement

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Grace and peace be unto you. We wish to inform you that our church website experienced an unexpected outage from July 7th to July 12th due to unforeseen changes in our hosting details. During this time, we deeply regret any inconvenience caused. With thankfulness in our hearts, we are …

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Find Anchorage in Jesus Christ

Pastor's Corner

The love of God is something more than a mere negation; it is a positive and active principle, a living spring, ever flowing to bless others. If the love of Christ dwells in us, we shall not onlv cherish no hatred toward our fellows, but we shall seek in every way tomanifest love toward them. …

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Satan and Disasters

Pastor's Corner

The daily record of disasters shows that there is no safety anywhere. Even in our homes we are in danger; for storms, floods, and fire are sweeping off thousands, while earthquakes are destroying additional thousands. If there ever was a time when we should be sober and watch unto prayer, it is now. Our lives …

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