Beware of procrastination. Do not put off the work of forsaking your sins and seeking purity of heart through Jesus. Here is where thousands upon thousands have erred to their eternal loss. Sin, however small it may be esteemed, can be indulged in only at the peril or infinite loss. What we do not overcome, will overcome us and work out destruction.

Adam and Eve persuaded themselves that in such a small matter as eating of the forbidden fruit there could not result in such terrible consequences as God had declared. but this small matter was the transgression of God’s immutable and holy law, and It separated mankind from God and opened the floodgates of death and untold woe upon our world.

Every act of transgression, every neglect or rejection of the grace of Christ, is reacting upon yourself; it is hardening the heart depraving the will, benumbing the understanding, and not only making you less inclined to yield, but less capable of yielding, to the tender pleading of God’s Holy Spirit.

Even one wrong trait of character, one sinful desire, persistentlv cherished, will eventually neutralize all the power of the gospel. Every sinful indulgence strengthens the soul’s aversion to God.

Steps to Christ. 32-34

Last modified: June 13, 2024